"All By Myself" is one of the greatest musical achievements of all time. Ten songs, each featuring a specific talent. Arranged, performed and engineered by one man, Dave Kennedy. Songs consisting of 64 piece arrangements, 200 hours of editng trains for a percussion track, and so much more. Please read the full jacket back which has all the information per song and is laid out below. There are three sample tracks below, however the full album can be found under audio. |
Here are three sample tracks, go to audio to hear the whole album. |
Back Side - All BY MYSELF
This is dave Kennedy-- Musician, Composer, and arranger extrordinare. Through the medium of multitrack recording,
which permits a singer or musician to over dub, (over-recored himself many times) Dave Kennedy plays every instrumental
part in each orchestral section and sings each vocal part in the chorus to really create his "ONE MAN ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS."
The real purpose for producing this unusual album is not to impress anyone with any "gimmickry," for today, Mr. Kennedy
is the president of the largest recording studios in Wisconsin and operates a most successful business. Many of the singing jigles
heard daily on local and national radio and television are his one man band creations. While Dave may not profess to be the complete
virtuoso on every instrument on his album, he does present to his many clients a complete background of know-how to create the best
in recordinganywhere in the country, and that while he has a complete complement of expert technicians, Dave can still do it "ALL BY MYSELF."
SIDE I*****************************************SIDE II
ALL BY MYSELF is the title song for this album, and rightfully so because the entire album represents just what the title implies,
a total one man performance. Before Dave plays any of his multiple recordings for anyone, he first explains just how he plays and sings
everything on the record himself. Inevitably, within the first ten seconds the listener will ask"who's playing the piano?" Or "are you
doing the singing too?" This is not suprising as it seems so inconceivable that one man would have the talent, determination and patience
to engineer, arrange, sing and play every instrument -- put them on a tape one part at a time to create a 60 piece orchestra and chorus.
On this track (ALL BY MYSELF) Dave tries to explain in three and one half minutes what it took him 18 years to perfect. If after listening
to this track, you're wondering if he played all the violin parts too -- please dont't ask ------HE DID!!!!!
THIS IS ALL I ASK: On this track Dave features himself playing a trumpet solo. It is probably the prettiest song on the album. The 24
string parts plus the entire rythm section that Dave recorded first, create a lush harmonic background for his trumpet solo.
STREET OF DREAMS: For Dave Kennedy to be able to play and record every instrument in a one man orchestra is unbelievable in itself. But when
you add to it the fact that he taught himself to play practivcally every one of these instruments just to make this record, the story becomes
phenominal --- such is the case with this track (STREET OF DREAMS). Dave never played the guitar in his life before recording this song. His
object is was not to imply that he is a seasoned guitarist, but rather to prove "if you know what you want to hear, anyone can do it." SO HE SAYS!!!
WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN: This beautiful ballad features Dave on the alto saxaphone. Because of his background in arranging and sense of good
musical composition, it follows, Dave would pick this song to record as one of his favorites.
NIGHT TRAIN: This particular song has been recored many times, many different ways. But what makes this track so unique is the way Dave Kennedy
employs the actual sound of the train to add authenticity to his arrangement. Before Dave could begin to record the 40 instrumental parts, he first
had to spend nearly 200 hours just editing the beats of the train to fit the meter of the song. The "chug-chugs" of the train became Kennedy's rythm
section. Pay particular attention to the way the train weaves in and out of the arrangement--changing patterns in order to fit the mood of the song.
SAN FRANCISCO: This recording is undoubtedly the largest multiple recording ever made by one man. (60 seperate instruments and voices) Dave fist
recorded 24 different string parts, playing one at a time: 16 violins, 5 violas, and 3 cellos. He then continued to play 4 different trumpet parts
5 saxaphones, 4 trombones, bass, guitar, drums, tympani, vibes, and marimba. Once he had finished building up his one man concert orchestra track,
he proceeded to over-dub his own voice 16 times creating his own chorus. From the dramatic opening to the grandiose finale-- you will find yourself
asking "howis it possible for one man to have all that talent?"
MOONLIGHT AND ROSES: This selection features Dave Kennedy on the organ. Strangely enough he recored his own accompaniment before he even knew what
lead instrument he would eventually play to feature himself. By all standards of recording and engineering practices, this is unorthidox to say the
least. But this again demonstrates Kennedy's ability to put it all together. "I'm not an organist" say's Dave, " in fact I have to get down on my hands
and knees to play the peddals." Well, whatever it takes, somehow or another the finished product always seems to come out like the real pro that he is.
TAKE IT EASY: Why Dave selected this rather simple little tune to feature his piano virtuosity is surprising. In no way does it reflect his true style,
feeling, technique, or personality. When performing club dates with his trio (using real live musicians) his pianistic style resembles that of a full orchestral
sound. It is obvious that on this track he was having more fun demonstrating his engineering skills rather than his musicianship. After he had recorded his one
man orchestra using a Latin-American beat Daveplays two different piano parts in a unique sterophonic effect.
DAVES BLUES: This big band bluesey sound is reminiscent of the 40's. Although Dave's trombone is not featured as a solo instrument on this track, Dave's trombone
section does serve as an impotant part of the arrangement. The track starts out with a funky trumpet and piano duet followed by 4 bar solos on the flute, guitar,
saxaphone, and vibes, gradually building up to a big band finish. Big Job Dave!!!
I'LL REMEMBER YOU: This track has no particular significance other than to demonstrate the speed in which Dave Kennedy recorded his 26 piece band himself. From
the time that he started the arranging until he played the final instrument, it took him a total of 5 hours and 15 minutes. "What took so long Dave?"
Notes by: T.J. BARTOLOTTA Recorded at Dave Kennedy Recording Studios Milwakee WI.
Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers
Producer-Executive Director, Pabst Theater Board