Dave Kennedy Hired to Direct Folk Band Date: By: Of the: |
Dave Kennedy of the Dave Kennedy Recording Studios has signed a one year, $7,800 contract to direct the mayor's International Folk Band, it was announced in a press release Saturday.
Dave Kennedy
The contract contains a provision that Kennedy not dicuss the band with the press
Members of the International Folk Band Board, all of whom were appointed by Mayor Maier, had severly criticized
Kennedy for discussing the band's organization with reporters. Board members have been upset over what they consider unfavorable publicity caused by what one offficial termed Kennedy's gabbiness.
The band board reportedly met last week to discuss retaining Kennedy. There was no advance announcement of the meeting. The band is to be financed by $30,000 in city money. The band was proposed by Maier last year. He had asked that an appropriation for the Milwaukee Civic Orchestra be dropped in favor of an ethnic band. James Buttler, chairman of the band board and general manager of WISN-TV, announced in the press release that the band expected to make it's debut in September. Butler could not be reached for comment Saturday. Kennedy refused to comment. |